all postcodes in PR2 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR2 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR2 8AD 7 53.778812 -2.680894
PR2 8AA 1 53.778127 -2.68589
PR2 8AB 4 53.778001 -2.682838
PR2 8AE 2 53.778086 -2.690002
PR2 8AG 0 53.778149 -2.699275
PR2 8AH 2 53.778589 -2.69001
PR2 8AJ 0 53.777821 -2.69065
PR2 8AL 0 53.77714 -2.689953
PR2 8AN 2 53.777106 -2.687995
PR2 8AP 0 53.778176 -2.680504
PR2 8AQ 0 53.778324 -2.679824
PR2 8AR 0 53.779325 -2.682283
PR2 8AS 0 53.779855 -2.680759
PR2 8AT 0 53.77955 -2.680648
PR2 8AU 0 53.779955 -2.679076
PR2 8AX 0 53.78109 -2.680187
PR2 8AY 0 53.782451 -2.681165
PR2 8BA 0 53.782044 -2.681568
PR2 8BB 0 53.780664 -2.680833
PR2 8BD 0 53.781283 -2.68104